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I attempted something similar a while back. So I've modified it a bit and uploaded here. I never tested it on IE6 so I don't know if it works, if it does I'll eat my hat. Anyway, it may help you a bit.

PA John

Try bending your fandango or at worst streching it.
Not sure what size kitten you currently hold but at least this should solve the rinky dink problem.Further try adjusting the swi swi -worst thing that could happen is a burnt scratcher.If it goes red,hold it.On blue goto your nearest off-license.Or Unwins.Purchase large amounts of ready salted crisps(or similar)and wait.Consume.TBC

PA John

The resulting itch is nominally attributed to excessive wind.My theory is quantumkak.But only in moderation.Use all fluids lightly.Stroke gently.Resulting gases are reusable.Canistorize this and place in front of your fandango.Turn lightly until golden brown and hey Presto!
Hope this helps.
the guvnoir(it helps if you keep it black)


Matt's code works on IE6, just goes a little funny when the window is teeny and the headline text fills each box, then the boxes stagger vertically.


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