So, after going home to search for said ring, to no avail, I took the afternoon off and went to Oxo Tower to do some Christmas Shopping and research. I dropped in on Black + Blum, who make some rather marvellous, ingenious and inexpensive things and got myself a "Jimmy" Magnetic Keyring Bottle Opener and "Seed" light shade, and I'm sorely tempted to go back to get a "Time Square" magnetic blackboard/clock thing.
Whenever I wander around Oxo Tower I find myself overwhelmed by the urge to be a product designer when I grow up. I love designing websites, don't get me wrong, but there must be something more rewarding in seeing your imaginings take on corporeal form and exist out in the real world, rather than being a glowing bunch of pixels on a screen. I used to enjoy getting brochures etc back from the printers back in the day, and imagine the joy of seeing the first prototypes of your designs must be the same, only more so.
I hope to continue making websites and doing web design, but hope that I can make a move towards inventing and creating real-world artifacts in future as well. How hard can it be? Clearly a world that doesn't already have "Steering Wheel Bongoes" needs me!