Speaking of web design, the other day I uploaded the freshly redesigned website for The Technical Glass Company, redesigned according to web standards, natch. Sorting out the last few buglets at the moment, but any comments would be very useful. For reference, here is the previous version, replete with nested tables, font tags galore and a dodgy colour scheme, designed by yours truly back in a previous life. In fact, it was my first professional website design project, not included some interface designs for Anglian Water's intranet site which were never seen by the world at large, thank goodness (think bevelled buttons frenzy). Hopefully it shows some degree of improvement in my design skillz. heh.
I've not had much opportunity to work on freelance projects, what with being highly busy in my day job at Firebox.com (which I love, if I haven't mentioned that before), but I am happy to see almost daily innovations in CSS-based design, such as robust ways of doing rounded corners which can get us away from the overly boxy look of early all-CSS sites. I look forward to trying out some of these new techniques on projects in the new year, including the massively exciting standards-based redesign of Firebox.com itself (currently an ugly mess of nested tables under the hood). That is, if I'm not already know as the "Steering Wheel Bongoes Billionaire" by then... Wish me luck!