I have a problem with Bluetooth headsets, in that the wearer either looks like a prat, or if it is particularly discreet, comes across like a schizophrenic talking to God. However, given that I have no particular desire to irradiate my brain with microwaves for prolonged periods, I have been thinking long and hard about a possible solution, and by Jove, I think I have it!
The obvious and elegant solution is a Bluetooth-enabled parrot which would perch on your shoulder, pirate-style. Not only would this lend you a certain rakish air on the Number 73 bus, it would make it entirely clear to fellow passengers and the man in the street that you are perfectly sane and merely engaged in a conversation with a friend. Given that it is almost impossible to wear a Bluetooth headset without looking like a tit, one may as well go the whole hog and give people a laugh into the bargain.
This invention would also solve the problem of annoying your fellow passengers quite so much. Researchers (well, Jakob Nielsen) have found that the most irritating thing about overheard mobile phone conversations is that they can only hear one half of the conversation. By simply using a concealed loudspeaker in said parrot, mental irritation of your fellows would be significantly reduced. Perhaps there could be an option to have your caller's voice broadcast in either their natural voice or in a comedy parrot voice? The opportunities are limitless.
Now, I've googled this idea, and nobody seems to have built one yet. Granted, there are Bluetooth handsfree car kits which are called Parrot, but do they look like a parrot? They do not. This is clearly a gap in the market and a significant opportunity for first mover advantage. All I need is some investment money to build the first prototypes. Anyone care to chip in?
Sounds like a winner to me Rik! I'm willing to invest this months income from Google Ads on my website (almost 2 dollars) ;-)
Posted by: Phil | April 15, 2004 at 09:11 PM
love it -- i want a desktop speakerphone version in the form of a garden gnome
Posted by: blueserker | April 16, 2004 at 02:44 AM
i'm the senior buyer at firebox.com. we are the uk's leading online boys toys and gadget retails site.
i just stumbled across your blog and saw the bluetooth parrot idea. what a fantastic product ! just the kind of innovative gadget i'm sure our customers would love. let me know when you have a working sample and we'll arrange a meeting for you to demonstrate your wonderful device.
one thing that troubled me a little however ( and perhaps you could shed some light on this ) how would one fix the parrot to the shoulder ?. have you developed an idea for some sort of universal coupling device ?
look forward to hearing from you
best wishes
ben fowler
Posted by: ben fowler | April 16, 2004 at 10:43 AM
The parrot idea kick ass. you could also do an angel/devil on your shoulder, or a fake head so it looks like you're arguing with yourself, a la Zaphod Beeblebrox. "Beeblebrox" would be a pretty good name for it.
Posted by: Malcolm J. | April 16, 2004 at 06:53 PM
Well done, great picture, great post title. I salute you!
Posted by: SG | April 17, 2004 at 12:50 AM
I think that device has great future.
Posted by: Ben Dummett | April 18, 2004 at 03:00 AM
there is a recent project at the mit media lab that's similar to that idea:
from http://www.media.mit.edu/research/SigPubWeb.pl?ID=10 :
Robotic P.A.C.E.: Parrot Alerting in a Communication Environment
Stefan Marti and Chris Schmandt
The Robotic P.A.C.E. project explores the use of a robotic embodiment in the form of a parrot sitting on the user’s shoulder, as a means of user interaction, taking advantage of socially intuitive non-verbal cues like gaze and postures. These are different from facial expressions (explored in the Robotic F.A.C.E. project) but at least as important, in order to grab attention and interrupt in a socially appropriate way. Our animatronic parrot, made from a hand puppet and commercially available R/C gear, allows the use of strong non-verbal social cues like posture and gaze to alert and notify. This wireless bird, which can be computer-remote-controlled by connecting to a server via TCP which in turn connects to a modified R/C transmitter, is capable of expressive head and wing movements.
Posted by: guy | April 18, 2004 at 03:49 PM
Posted by: fishpondbubble07 | April 20, 2004 at 02:22 AM
This is a fantastic idea! And having many different versions of the same device would be great as well! I hope that you find the funding you are looking for, but I would suggest trying to just go ahead and build the prototype first anyway. Just take a speakerphone module and stick it in a stuffed toy and call ThinkGeek about a deal. They might be able to hook you up with a Chinese factory to make them by the thousands.
Posted by: Rich Gautier | April 22, 2004 at 06:13 PM
Hi Rich,
Well, I initially posted it as a bit of a laugh, but the more I think about it, the more I think it may actually have commercial viability. So, yes, I'll build a prototype, I think. Better offer it to Firebox before Thinkgeek, given that I work for the former - they might be a bit miffed otherwise...
Posted by: Rik | April 23, 2004 at 09:06 AM
I really love this idea and your picture is fantastic. Came here from Mike's list by the way. Thanks for the laugh!
Posted by: Hugh | April 28, 2004 at 08:23 PM
Excellent! When can I buy one? :-)
Posted by: Not Schizo | April 30, 2004 at 04:01 AM
Or how about a little angel and devil set, one for each shoulder, like your conscience talking to you? That would look good in a conference call!
Posted by: Poida | May 05, 2004 at 06:03 AM
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Posted by: PC spy software - Keylogger | February 22, 2005 at 04:16 PM
I think we should combine this with an idea of mine to produce the Bluetooth text message alert eyepatch. In fact, if you added on a speech-to-text interface, you could have complete hands-free-plus-one-eye-free control of your mobile AND look like a pirate into the bargain! How fantastic is that?
Just need a snappy name....
Posted by: Al Davidson | November 17, 2005 at 10:02 AM