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george smiley

are you having a party in a smallish apartment?

Rik Abel

nope. hi tim!


This sounds great, but unfortunately, I have an older iPod that doesn't have a dock connector. I've entered the sweepstakes on the Bose site, though. Wish me luck!!!


i ordered one but still waiting...


If anyone is interested. There is a form of advertising/marketing where by the user signs up for an offer in return for free gifts, cash, or other incentives.

Anyways, there is one for the Bose SoundDock. The website has been known to send out the gifts, because pictures have been posted on forums (google it).

This system is partially based on referrals as well.

1. Sign up here: http://www.freesounddock.com/default.php?referral=jayzz515
2. Complete one offer. Absolutely NO cost to you if you cancel before the trial period!
3. Refer 6 friends - each must also complete an offer
4. Place your order!

Email me if you have any questions. I have a network of people that can help you obtain referrals as well.


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