Last night I celebrated the successful completion of my second week at my new job, by heading along to the Bit Rock evening organised by my new friend Jeff, who played a storming set in his Minisystem guise - I felt that it was a great hybrid of Ulrich Schnauss-like prettiness and melody and the harder end of the Kompakt roster, like the stuff on Speicher.
I met Jeff a few weeks back at an Open Source evening, where we quickly recognised one another as kindred music geeks. Mind you, given that the premise of Open Source is that folks turn up and play their selection of three songs, usually from their iPod, then by default almost everyone there is going to be a sad music geek. I knew I was among my fellows when the organiser (Alan, a very nice guy who is part of the wabi design collective) approached me after my 'set' to tell me that Dexter by Ricardo Villalobos (from the wonderful album Alcachofa) was his very favourite Ricardo Villalobos track! Imagine that! Major geek karma points scored. I think I will apply a custom flame paintjob to my iPod before the next event. Hm, there's a business idea. But I digress...
Anyway, it was a very enjoyable evening, and it was inspirational to me to meet people who are actually getting off their arses and doing stuff. I may, finally, get round to trying to make some music of my own. Particularly since Live 4 looks like A LOT of fun.
I met another very nice guy called Josch (Canadians are so easy to meet and talk to, it still freaks me out a bit) who, naturally, is another music producer and is into the same sort of music as yours truly. There probably aren't that many people in Toronto with the same tastes as me, but I think I met quite a few of them last night. Yes, I have found my tribe! I will have to establish a blog for the 'scene'. Is there no situation in which a blog can't improve matters? I don't think so.