So, maybe we SHOULD fear the squirrels? (see comments for previous post) Neil claims that the squirrels along the road in Hyde Park stare at you while clenching their trembling little fists (crivens!), while Rebecca (no website, amazingly. not even a blog. weird, huh?) claims that Vancouver squirrels are predatory, salivate wildly and practise mind control (eftstoons!). And I thought the Brixton Crack Squirrels were bad.
Can anyone claim scarier squirrels than Rebecca? Any actual attacks? I've heard mother squirrels are quite prone to attack you if they think their young are in danger. Or if they just catch you, like, looking at them.
If only someone had done a website entirely about scary squirrels. Oh.
I recall hearing rumours that grey squirrels are cannibalistic and eat each other. I've never observed this as I tend to keep out of their way, however red squirrels are a different, umm, bag of nuts, being an all-together more friendly overlord of the tree world... Unfortunately I believe the vast majority have been eaten.
Posted by: Jacob | November 25, 2004 at 08:49 AM
"Any actual attacks?"
How's this?
Posted by: inkheart | December 01, 2004 at 06:21 AM
inkheart! art thou stalking me?
or the other way around?
rik-- i shall keep my eyes open for the 'sisi' button... let it be the harbinger of us, the people with taste. kinda like coconuts to King Arthur. And check inkheart's blogsite for the penultimate squirrel attack story--
Posted by: eric w. pleasure | December 01, 2004 at 07:36 PM
Hey, I love squirrels. I actually talk to them from time to time. Sometimes they even chatter back to me. Oh, if only I lived in the Fables of the Green Forest.
My neighbour killed a squirrel last spring. Here's my first-person documentation of it:
Posted by: wordfreak | December 04, 2004 at 11:08 PM
Here's a BBC News article from a couple of years ago: Granddad Guns Down Terror Squirrel (in Knutsford of all places).
Posted by: Matt | December 05, 2004 at 11:49 PM
I was once attcacked by a squirrel. It was a nice day in New York City's Battery Park,when out of nowhere a squirrel flies out of the trees and lands on my head!How's that for an attack?Anyway, I still have scars and bad memories.
Posted by: Candice | September 20, 2005 at 12:04 AM