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Remind me to tell you the story about how Heather squashed a union drive at Indigo some years ago with tears, long, heartstring-tugging speeches, and begging. She then turned around and fired anyone who had even the most remote connection to the union organizers.

I always feel a bit greasy when I walk into one of her stores...


Ugh! You actually let her sign your book? I think I would have taken it out of her hands.

I've never heard anything but bad things about her, anyway, domineering so-and-so who at the independent book industry in Toronto (along with Chapters, which she then ate, too), but this is outrageous.


AH hahahaha. Oh, I'm so sorry.
She sounds like a terror.

And I guess that wasn't Fat Mau I (thought I) spotted outside the AIA on LaGuardia today, then?


That is one of the funniest Reisman stories I've heard. Very right about someone who likes to measure her worth by the many talented people she believes are her friends. She's trying very hard to bankrupt a monopoly that her husband owns. Guess he bought it to keep her busy and away from him. haha.


Having worked at Indigo, I can tell you that one of Heather's other canned comments is how her only real regret in life is not having more childern...how she 'values childern above all things'. Yet, whenever one of her Indigo Head Office employees goes on maternity leave, Heather immediately questions their dedication. She has been heard, at least in one instance, asking why the company can't just get rid of the person on mat leave.

Thanks to Canadian labour laws, these returning new mothers are often offered a 'package' instead.

Nice Heather, nice. REAL family values you got there.

This woman is evil incarnate, her ego is just one aspect of her darkness. I have no idea why the media has been so soft on her in recent years...


i accidentally found this blog, but having worked on Massive Change myself, i believe you confused Heather Reisman with Jennifer Leonard. Jennifer was signing books that night with Bruce. She's the co-author of the book. Cheers,

Jennifer Leonard

Thanks, Alex! The original post describing Ms Reisman was accurate *up until* the book-signing portion of the evening. ;)


Erm, sorry, but I'm 100% certain that it was Ms Reisman who signed my book. I remember you, Jennifer, and it wasn't you. That's why I thought it was so weird...:D


I was there with Rik and I can confirm that it was Ms Reisman who signed the book, especially as it clearly says 'Heather' on the flyleaf. I wish we were mistaken but sadly, we're not...

Jennifer Leonard

That's too strange. I have to see it to believe it.


Jennifer - I know it was strange, that's why I was so freaked out. I know you signed books, but there was a period where Bruve was up on the table on his own and Heather just sort of positioned herself to his right. After he had signed the book she sort of sat there expectantly and Bruce passed my copy along to her, looking slightly bemused. Then she signed it, before I could stop her! Believe me, I'd like for you to have signed it! Heh. I'll take a photo when it arrives (currently in transit from Toronto). Curiouser and curiouser... :D


Hello folks! I happen to work for the so-called evil indigo(oh please don't shoot me now!!). I am absolutely stunned at the ignorance that is "out there". I am so sick of people attacking anything "Canadian" that is successful. It's disgusting. If Barnes and Noble were to take over the book world in Canada, they would be gods. Walmart(oh saintly Walmart) comes to Canada and kills SO MANY other businesses and companies but nothing is said because they are "American". Give me a break. We all have our bad points, but Indigo has done alot of good also. But, unfortunately for them, their downfall is that they are Canadian. Pretty lucky if you ask me.


Hello folks! I happen to work for the so-called evil indigo(oh please don't shoot me now!!). I am absolutely stunned at the ignorance that is "out there". I am so sick of people attacking anything "Canadian" that is successful. It's disgusting. If Barnes and Noble were to take over the book world in Canada, they would be gods. Walmart(oh saintly Walmart) comes to Canada and kills SO MANY other businesses and companies but nothing is said because they are "American". Give me a break. We all have our bad points(except some people who i guess are perfect), but Indigo has done alot of good also. But, unfortunately for them, their downfall is that they are Canadian. Pretty lucky if you ask me.


Hi Belle,

Erm, I don't quite know where you got the impression I was being anti-Canadian - I didn't make any anti-Canadian references in my post, in fact I am a massive fan of Canada. I just didn't like Heather Reisman, and I don''t like any large chain stores who underpay their workers and employ union-busting tactics, whether it be Indigo, Barnes and Noble or Waterstones in the UK, for whom I used to work.

So, sorry if you got the mistaken impression that I was attacking a Canadian success story for being Canadian. Some of my best friends are Canadian, including my wife.


Hey Rik,
Sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion about your earlier statements. I am sometimes supersensitive about my "Canadian-ness" because I love it so much!


Hey Rik,
Sorry I jumped to the wrong conclusion about your earlier statements. I am sometimes supersensitive about my "Canadian-ness" because I love it so much!


Why oh why do I keep posting twice...not deliberate folks!


how sad, how many of you know her?
she employs over 4000 canadians and has really pushed Canadian literature. yes she lives in a different world than most but she has worked hard to be a success.
how many folks do you all employ?
she has her moments as we all do

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