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Broadcasting? Pftch! Everyone knows that TV is for playing Halo on.

I have a wind-up gramophone and lots of Italian opera on shellac if you're interested. Better than those pesky iPods...

Benjamin Southworth

Its great to hear people deciding to make a lighter impact on the earth, and attempting to decrease the consumerist foot print. The question is how does one ellucidate and educate those who do not care that this is the correct path.. Having spent many enjoyable hours in coffee shops in Cam with you i know your a mad hippy geek, but what about the others? The Others I tell you! Oh, my head, I'm going to have to lie down and listen to my Deepak Chopra on My iPod with my massage chair to just to escape this consumerist hell....



Hey, I hear ya about the telly stuff. I don't own one either. It's been over two years for me. The only time I've been bombarded by TV is at the laundromat or at my girlfriend's place, if she insists on watching something like Ellen or, God forbid, The Apprentice!

I can't possibly do without my cellphone, though, as it's been my only phone (no land line for me) for about three years now. And my little Sony CliƩ/Palm device has become a nifty little gadget that keeps me organized. More than I can say for my iPod.

There's much more to say, but I'll save it for a private email. It's been a while. Glad to see you're settling in to your new job. Dying to hear the good news. I've got some good news of my own....



well, one of the 150 toothbrushes does reduce the footprint to some extent.. i recently discovered the recycline toothbrush and disposable razors. you mail them back when you're done and they turn them into park benches.

(the girl who found you via flickr)

p.s. you goin' to mutek?

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