Aardvark is a highly useful extension to the Firefox web browser (which we all use, right?), which allows you to do lots of fun things like view the divs in a page (v. handy for web designers/developers wanting to understand how a page is structured) and the source of any divs. You can also use it to delete any parts of a page you don't want to see - for example you can remove banner ads or tidy up a page prior to printing. As an intarwebs designer I use it constantly, but regular non-geeky folks might find it handy, too.
Greasemonkey is another great Firefox extension, which allows you to add 'user scripts' to specific web pages. For example, you might want to try Book Burro, which shows prices for books on competing websites when you are on an amazon book page. Suh-weet! Or add persistent/saved searches to gmail...or look for related tags when uploading photos to flickr...where will the madness end?
I love all the cross-pollination of web apps, as I believe I mentioned earlier. Jon Udell has an interesting take in his article
Nobody expects the spontaneous integration.
Hm, it's almost enough to make me want to learn to program...