A few months ago I had an idea for a web app which would enable 'social tagging for the real world' - that is, you could use your mobile phone to add a tag to a location, complete with useful information such as description, photos, etc, which would then create a flag on a google map via their handy API. Wow this is neat, I thought...and I realised with some sadness that I'd never get around to building it myself. However, I took heart that if I had thought of it, it stood to reason that some geeks somewhere were working on the very same thing...
And so but, check out the newly launched www.flagr.com ('sharewhere' = very clever). Only three days old so I'm sure they will be adding tons of functionality (video clips please! RSS feeds for my tags so I can stick them in a blog sidebar! mobile support for UK!) but already pretty darn wonderful. Well done, chaps. You can check my tags here.