MASSIVE congratulations to my very good friend/homeboy Dr Pier "Science" Sazio on having his paper published this week in the extremely prestigious journal Science. Pier and his colleagues at the University of Southampton Optoelectronics Research Centre and Penn State University have successfully made semiconductor devices, including a transistor, inside microstructured optical fibers. This is, of course WAY cool, even if you don't immediately GROK the wider implications. Trust me, it's massive. Go Pier! You are PROPER SCIENTIST at last! (JOKE!)
Ta ducks
Posted by: Pchz | March 21, 2006 at 01:21 PM
a proper scientist indeed! can we still call you Peaches when you get your knighthood? Arise, Sir Peaches of the Semiconductors!
Posted by: adrienne | April 04, 2006 at 06:56 PM