The wonderful online storage site now allows you to post MP3s and videos (and what have you) straight to your blog. Which is nice. Here is 'Baby Kate' by Heartthrob, on m-nus. Enjoy!
As if that weren't enough, is also thoroughly integrated into the equally wonderful netvibes. Netvibes is a 'custom made web 2.0 home page solution' (they say) which basically allows you to aggregate together lots of feeds from various sources, plus add an ever-increasing number of custom modules for functionality like calendars, to-do lists, and so on. And it's free! The new cinnamon release of netvibes also feature lots of swanky new features including video search (search for and play videos from google video and youtube) and writely document integration. The box module allows you to access all your files while in your netvibes page, and to play any music tracks in the integrated netvibes flash player. Yay! I have an ever-growing library of tunes uploaded which I can now enjoy from any web-connected computer. It's like we are living in the future, or something....