Criminy, I haven't posted for over a month. I guess nobody comes here any more. However, in the spirit of never say die (and I guess some RSS feed using people...) I'm blogging again! I have news updates. For real, yo.
- First, and most importantly, check out my good friend and soon-to-be-ex-colleague Dave Knapik's Fucking Awesome Button. Marvellous.
- Secondly, I won't be blogging here for much longer since I belatedly got around to registering, where I will presently be installing WordPress and then pimping the shit out it. No hard feelings, TypePad. It's not you, it's me. No, actually, it is you. I met this new blogging platform and she is free. Go figure.
- Thirdly, this Tuesday is my last day at, after which I will attempt to forge a bold new future of working for myself and all that jazz, doing freelance webby socially stuff and retreating to my secret lair in Cambridge. Thanks to everyone at headshift for tolerating me for so long. Long may you ride the crest of a wave in a space that's exploding. :D
- Fourthly...if you want any standards-compliant, accessible, usable, etc web design stuff done, get in touch.