This fitness trend hybridisation madness has got to stop! We used to have yoga, tai-chi, pilates and aerobics - that was okay, nothing too complicated there. And we imagined fondly that they were good enough - in particular yoga and tai-chi, which have both been practised for literally thousands of years, so you might imagine they had attained some degree of perfection. How wrong we were...
First off the block, as far as I am aware, was Tae-Bo - an amalgam of aerobics and kickboxing, but confusingly nothing to do with tai-chi. It was slightly silly, but seemed to work quite well. Then Astanga yoga became popular, but that is okay, as it could reasonably be argued that Astanga is an authentic and traditional mode. But lately it has started getting silly. In the last few weeks I have seen flyers, DVDs and books for: "Yogalates", "Yoga-Bo" and just today, in Sainsburys, "Aerolates". No, really.
Where will it all end? Can different disciplines be endlessly recombined? Oh, you betcha! I predict we will soon be offered classes in Aerogabo, Pilatobics, Yogabolates and Ty-phoo.
Hey, this is fun. Anyone else got a great new exercise craze they'd like to share?